Our Universe

VERBREUIL is a unique family adventure to create
a House of Haute Maroquinerie whose values are art,
artisanal perfection, authentic luxury,
love of refined details…
Its collections address those who desire the
freshness of a new style and love to live with beautiful
objects made to last.

maison verbreuil photo

Familial House

Beyond words, vows, dreams...

VERBREUIL is the story of a French
family who wanted to fulfill their
dream of creating beautiful objects,
daring new ways, rediscovering
the purity of shapes, the nobility
of materials, of those who
craft by hand…

Since 2011, each member of the family has put all his creativity, his enthusiasm, his energy… to bring to life a luxury House like no other.


Nature, architecture, art, life

“The wind rushes through the breach
In the depth of the forest
It traces its way, our way,
It makes the pines whisper,
It makes the crests shiver,
The city awakes.
The haze rises
A new time arrives (…)
and we catch ourselves wanting to create”


photo inspiration

Each model of the House has been imagined, designed, like a poem that is inspired by life, a café terrace, a Greek temple, a stormy sky, a forest, a hydrangea,a David Hockney painting, a walk in the city…

photo design

The Design

Powerful, modern and timeless

With its modern and timeless
design, VERBREUIL reinvents the
discreet charm of Parisian luxury.
Its minimalist style emphasizes the
architecture of forms and the purity
of the lines to highlight the beauty
of the materials and craftsmanship.
The signature of a VERBREUIL piece
is its unique profile, recognizable
among all.

Particular attention has been paid to the volumes which have been designed to accompany
the silhouette in all lightness.

A passion for details

Artisanal perfection
for a unique design

Luxury, Dream, Precision, Perfection,
Excellence and Know-How are the
key words of the House.
VERBREUIL is a universe of exclusive
pieces handcrafted in France
by master craftsmen, virtuosos of
French saddlery and leather goods.

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An authentic piece of Haute Maroquinerie can be recognized by the patience and passion that the craftsman puts into perfecting each detail.